| Chief Mark Brinkert |
Chief Brinkert graduated from the Kalamazoo Regional Recruit Academy in 1984 and went to work for the Vicksburg Police Department and Schoolcraft Police Department
part time before he was hired full time by the Benton Harbor Police Department. Chief Brinkert was named Benton Harbor Police Officer of the Year 1992 for his work to reduce crime
and drugs and to improve relations in the city's housing developments. In 1993 he was hired as chief for the Village of Colon. In 1995 he accepted a job with the Village of
Schoolcraft but remained part time in Colon. He returned to Colon full time in 2000 and was appointed Chief in 2005. He is on the St. Joseph County 9-1-1 Board. |
 | Sergeant Joel Herr |
Sergeant Herr graduated from Kellogg Community College in December 1999, going to work for Emmett Township Department of Public Safety part time. In 2001
he was hired part time in Colon. In 2003 he became full time then was promoted to Sergeant in 2006. Sgt. Herr was assigned as a school resource officer in November 2023, working within the school system. He is the department's training officer, investigator and weapons
armorer. He is a member of the St. Joseph County Special Response Team.
 | Corporal Jeff Bingaman |
Officer Bingaman graduated from the Kalamazoo Regional Recruit Academy in June 2006 and was hired by the Village of Colon in January of 2007 as a full time
officer. In January 2009 he went to work full time for the St. Joseph County Sheriff Office but remains a part time officer for Colon, filling in and working special events. Jeff was promoted to Corporal in April of 2019 and is in charge of the Department's Bicycle Unit.
 | Officer Kevin Brooks |
Officer Brooks graduated from Kellogg Community College 2015 and currently works parttime. Kevin was hired back in 2015 as a part-time officer for Colon before going to work full time at the St. Joseph County Sheriff Department. He was re-hired in 2018 to help cover special events, days off and vacation time. |