Village of Colon
110 N. Blackstone Avenue
Colon, MI 49040
Contact Information:
Office: (269) 432-2532
Fax: (269) 432-4116
Email: contact@colonmi.net
Monday thru Friday
9am-12noon and 1pm-5pm
(except holidays)
Held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except holidays)
Township of Colon
132 N. Blackstone Avenue
Colon, MI 49040
Contact Information:
Office: (269) 432-3371
Fax: (269) 432-2926
Monday thru Thursday
9am-3:30pm (closed Fridays) (except holidays)
Held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except holidays)
Colon Township Library
128 S. Blackstone Avenue
Colon, MI 49040
Contact Information:
Office: (269) 432-3958
Fax: (269) 432-4554
Website: www.colonlibrary.org
St. Joseph County
125 West Main Street
Post Office Box 189
Centreville, Michigan 49032
Contact Information:
Office: (269) 467-5500
Fax: (269) 467-5628
Website: http://www.stjosephcountymi.org/
Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed on County Holidays)
Quick Fact:

Personal Safety: Install and use good deadbolt locks in your doors (about half of all burglars enter through unlocked doors and windows).
Village Dashboard

  Debt Service  

Visit the ColonMi.Net website
The Colon Police Department