House Watch Enrollment Page
About the Colon Police Department House Watch Program
The Colon Police Department House Watch Program is provided as a convenience to homeowners in the Village of Colon, Michigan. Our goal is to provide you with a way to let us know you're going to be away, and to provide us with information that allows us to make contact with you - or a responsible party you designate - in the event that something happens while you're gone.
Unfortunately we can't guarantee that nothing will happen to your home while you're away. We will attempt to make extra patrols in the area of your home as our schedule allows, and we'll make contact with you or your designee if we become aware of a problem. This proactive approach is designed to give us the information we'll need in the event that something happens, and to give you a little extra peace of mind when you're away from home.
Please fill out the form as completely as possible so we'll have the information we'd need to contact you. We may contact you in advance of your departure if we have any questions about the information you provide.
Please note that you should only submit this form if the property you need to have watched is within the village limits of Colon, Michigan.
Your Name: 
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Address of the property
you'd like added
to the House Watch List
(if different from the address
you provided above):

Colon, MI  49040
Date House Watch should start:
Date House Watch should end:
Is there a phone number where we can reach you while you're gone?No

Is there someone local we can call who would have a key to the house or know how to get in touch with you?No
Has Keys To The Property:Yes   No
Can Contact Me If Necessary:Yes   No
In this box, please enter the names of anyone who is authorized to be there while you're gone (feeding pets, taking in papers, checking house, etc.)?
Is there any other helpful information you can provide?
Is there a phone number we can call now if we have any questions about the information you're submitting?

Here are some excellent tips for decreasing the likelihood of problems while you're gone:

How To Safeguard Your Home While on Vacation
Source: Florida Attorney General's Office

  • Strive to make your home look as lived-in as possible while you're away.

  • Don't broadcast your plans but do let your neighbors and local law enforcement know.

  • Give a spare key to your neighbors and give them an emergency telephone number to reach you.

  • Arrange to have your mail and newspapers either stopped or picked up daily.

  • Have someone mow your yard or rake the leaves so your house looks lived-in.

  • Use automatic timers to turn on a radio and lights at different intervals to hide the fact you aren't home.

  • Turn down the ringer on the telephone. An unanswered telephone is a dead give-away.

  • Be sure you don't announce your absence on your answering machine message.

  • Leave your blinds like you normally would if you were home. Only close them all the way if that is what you would normally do.

  • Be sure to close and lock the garage as well as any storage sheds, gates, etc.

  • Engrave all your valuables with your driver's license number. If possible videotape the contents of your home. Be sure to keep the video and the list of valuables in a safety deposit box.

  • Ask your neighbor to occasionally park in your driveway. If you are leaving a vehicle parked outside, have the neighbor move it periodically so it looks as though you are home.

  • Be sure someone knows your itinerary and your estimated time of arrival and return.

  • If you get lost while traveling, ask directions of local law enforcement, not complete strangers.

  • Be sure your vehicle is in good working condition and that you have taken enough money. Do not carry large amounts of cash, use credit cards and travelers' checks.
Quick Fact:

16-year-olds are three times more likely to die in a motor vehicle crash than the average of all drivers.
Village Dashboard

  Debt Service  

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The Colon Police Department